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3 Days Capacity Building Program (CBP) organised at Indian School-Dar es Salaam by CBSE on 18th March 23- 20th March 23.
A special thanks to Mr. Arvind Deputy Secretary-Legal, CBSE and resource persons Mrs. Anita and Dr. Shibu.
Day 1 of 3 
Topics covered: Pedagogy, Learning Outcome
Day 2 of 3 
Topics covered: Active Learning
Day 3 of 3 
The third/ final day’s topic was the NCF-FS. It gave the teachers an insight into various methodologies in dealing with the young learners. The session was especially helpful for the ones dealing with the students in their formative years (3-8 years) as it provided a better understanding of the practices that are already being followed in our school.
In short, the 3 days session was really engaging and meaningful for everyone.
A great thanks to the school for arranging the much required training session and our sincere heartfelt gratitude to the trainers for sharing their valuable experiences with us!
We look forward to many such informative sessions for further development of the teaching-learning process

Faculty Development Programmes play an important role in equipping the teachers with necessary skills as required by educators.These programmes are designed to improve the performance of our teachers in education ,research and administration as well as augmenting organizational capacities and culture.

The scope of such programmes is to extend the professional discipline,to include social skills necessary for collaboration ,professional growth of teachers including management and leadership abilities